
Our impact extends far 除了 the borders of Sweeney Hall through our numerous community partnerships with students and colleagues across 菠菜网lol正规平台 as well as school districts, foundations, and community-based organizations throughout the San José region and 除了. Learn more about several of our initiatives below.


Each year at 菠菜网lol正规平台, the 卢里教育学院 hosts the 教学庆祝活动. During the Spring 2021 semester, we asked local middle school teachers, high school teachers, community college faculty, and 菠菜网lol正规平台 faculty to nominate students that possess the qualities to become transformative future educators. 祝贺41岁 nominees who have been recognized and awarded with a $1000 scholarship towards any Lurie College credential program.

Center for Collaborative Research Excellence in 教育

Center to Close the Opportunity Gap

Funded through a sub-award from the Center for Closing the Opportunity Gap (CCOG), a project sponsored by CSU Chancellor’s Office and administered by CSU Long Beach, the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Center for Collaborative Research Excellence in 教育 (CCREE) is the CSU Regional Hub for Northern California to support the educational needs of Youth in Foster Care (FY) and Youth Experiencing 首页lessness (HY) in California.



Recognizing the potential each and every child brings into the world, 菠菜网lol正规平台's Early Childhood Institute (ECI) seeks to transform the field of early learning and care through impactful research, training and advocacy efforts that promote equitable, high-quality, and inclusive early learning and care settings to benefit all children.

Healthy Development 社区 Clinic


The HD Clinic is a unique proposed collaboration between faculty and students from 儿童节目 & Adolescent Development, Speech-Language Pathology, and Clinical 心理学. Located within the community, the HD Clinic will promote equity in access to high-quality, preventative, and family-centered interprofessional care. 在文化上 sustaining practices and trauma-informed care will guide intervention and collaboration building on existing strengths, protective factors, social support, and community 资源.

Institute for Regenerative Futures

Institute for Regenerative Futures

The Institute for Regenerative Futures is an intergenerational community-based collective of Black and other Indigenous co-conspiratorial educators, elders, healing practiti一个rs, memory workers (researchers) and beloved community. 我们的集体经历了 timely intersections of community engagement, education, and research that highlight the psychological, emotional, and physiological impacts of anti-blackness and colonization.

Queer Educators and Counselors Network


The Queer Educators and Counselors Network (QECN) at the 菠菜网lol正规平台 卢里教育学院 creates a safe and affirming space for educators, counselors, and students to appreciate diversity in sexual and gender identities. We also provide support, training, and 资源 to help students, faculty, and staff examine their own practice and engage with their own understandings of gender and sexuality. 通过个人和团体 support, professional development opportunities, research activities, and advocacy, we hope to empower our community and world.


The 菠菜网lol正规平台 卢里教育学院 has created summer opportunities for current credential candidates, 菠菜网lol正规平台 alumni, future 菠菜网lol正规平台 credential candidates, and teachers in partner districts to develop their knowledge, skills, and abilities to teach math and/or computer science at no cost in an effort to pursue educational equity and social justice by reducing STEM barriers in education.